Scratch is a block-based programming language developed by MIT Media Lab. This visual programming language is primarily used for teaching programming to younger kids as young as six years due to the simplicity and the fun elements offered. Students can create projects on the scratch website using a block-like interface. These blocks can include images and audio files.
Our team will guide the parents to create an account for Scratch and download the free offline software.
For Younger students who are not familiar with using the computer, parents should sit with them for few classes to help them follow the teacher’s instructions. Our free trial class will give an idea of what sort of support is required by the parent.
Again, the trial class is the answer if you are unsure if your child will show interest.
Screen sharing will be difficult on few devices, and hence any device which has larger screens and screen sharing allowed can be used for the class. Contact Classvio support to do a test for this.
Scratch coding is used to introduce programming concepts and real life applications are not created on this platform.
Signup on the platform Classvio using parent name and email ID and send us an email to attend a free trial class. Once you decide to join the course, we will schedule and help you to book the course.